from chatroom:

>>Re: Paul Jaisini
Posted by Arthur on 7/14/03

On 7/12/03, Maggie Rick wrote:
> I do not think poetry has lost its value. I think that Sydney has.
> Poetry is used today to different things than it was used for at
> the time Sydney was writing. I know that it holds great importance
> for many people, but the American Heritage text book is not written
> in verse, as it very well may have been written then.

I have read this before. Who are you and why have you posted about
Jaisini all over the Internet? <<


from me:

H.G. Wells wrote a novel with an invisible character as the protagonist once...does that count?

Does Casper the Friendly Ghost count as invisible cartoon art?

If a painting is hung in the land of the blind, is that invisible art?

If music is played in the land of the deaf, is that invisible art?

If somewone writes a word, a poem, a play, or a book that no one ever reads, is that invisible art?

If Ralph Kramden suddenly can't see his buddy, Norton, is that invisible Art?

If you create invisibility is your creativity a vaccum like a Black Hole?

And if somebody *claims* to see your invisible art...who's the liar?

And is art of the invisible kind more or less transparent in say, New Zealand, than it is in, oh, Canada?

I really want to know the answers to these questions. My earnestness is indivisible....I hope.