When my mother got rid of her wood stove, gas was wonderful for quick boiling of water. But when she got an electric oven with top burners, she could regulate heat much more accurately.
And gas can be dangerous. I have seen a dozen houses burn up after gas leak.And a nurse at BCH early in WWII
got stupid and tried to take chill of her apartment by lighting top burners. At 5PM, sudden demand made pressure fall, the burners went out, but then pressure came back. She and her baby would have died if a neighbor hadn't smelled the gas and broken door to get in and shut it off and open windows.
Edit: I had to go check to be sure. Boston Gas was produced by turning soft coal into coke. It had enough carbon monoxide, so that the nurse and her baby were in danger of dying from the carbon monoxide.
Producer gas as it was called also had enough hydrogen sulfide to turn all your silver black.
And like Faldage, I haven't heard the slogan for a long time.