What would I recommend as a first book?

I'm not sure, but I'd probably do a little research first. Maybe I'd recommend Of Mice and Men. Afterward the fellow participants and I could see various movie depictions of the story and compare notes. If I was familiar with East of Eden, perhaps I'd think it was a good first choice.

A Tale of Two Cities or Madame Bovary would be great choices. Les Miserables would also make an excellent first story, but I suspect the academics would complain about it's romanticism. But it's particularly a good idea, as many people have at least heard of the musical and may already have their interest piqued.

I'd like to suggest War and Peace, but I don't think that would be a good first choice - any more than Moby Dick or Ulysses would be good first choices. It's more something to work toward.

That it's doubtful I would suggest the same book as Oprah should, of course, in no way be construed as a criticism of her selection.
