I was working at Queen's University t'other day, and noticed a sign that said I had entered an area that was friendly towards and supportive of individuals who are "gay, lesbian, trans-identified, queer" - there was at least one other term in there I can't remember.

This confused me. I thought "queer" was just another word for "gay," so I looked it up in my trusty Canuck Oxford. That's essentially what it said, too, with the addendum that while gays have appropriated the term and use it amongst themselves, it is still considered somewhat abusive if used about a gay by a non-gay.

"Trans-identified," it didn't list.

So what could "queer" possibly mean in this context, where the word "gay" had already been used? Does it have a cultural connotation, perhaps? ie, is a queer a gayer gay than a gay, or something?

And what does "trans-identified" mean? Is it what I would know as "cross-dressing" or "transvestite" or is it more complicated than that? Is it someone who is awaiting a sex-change operation or something?