truncal, truncheoned, truncheons, trunk, truss, tryst, tubercular, tubular

tubulifloral - another botanical epithet

tucket - a flourish on a trumpet


tumid - swollen, bulging, as in amor longus profundus ready for action

tumor, tumultuary, tun = a large cask, tunnel,

turbinado - sugar is crystallized from the liquid obtained by crushing sugar cane. When it has been boiled down sufficiently, and the supernatant liquid with most of the molasses has been removed, it it put into a huge centrifuge to removed still more of the molasses. The sugar at this stage is called “trubinado sugar” and still has some of the molasses taste.

turbojet, turboprop, turfman (he’s a real sod) turkey, turnery (lathe operator’s shop)

5ME turnesole < MFr tournesol < It tornasole or Sp tornasol < tornar(e), to TURN + sol(e), sun: see SOL6
1 any of a number of plants whose flowers supposedly turn with the sun, as the sunflower and heliotrope
2 a) a Mediterranean plant (Chrozophora tinctoria) of the spurge family, yielding a purple or blue dye b) this dye

Turriculate, Turriculated (Page: 1554)
Tur*ric"u*late (?), Tur*ric"u*la`ted (?), a. [L. turricula small tower, turret.] Furnished with, or formed like, a small turret or turrets; somewhat turreted.

turtledove, tussock, tweak, twig, twinkly, twister, tyg (a stupid acronym). tying, tylosaurus – a dinosaur

5L < Gr Typhbn, lit., whirlwind: see fol.6 Gr. Myth. a monster, variously regarded as a son of Typhoeus or as Typhoeus himself

typist, typography, typp, tzigane = gypsy, ubiquity, ufology – for idiots only,

5altered < UGLY: from its misshapen appearance6 trademark for a Jamaican citrus fruit that is a three-way cross between a grapefruit, orange, and tangerine
this fruit: also called ug$li fruit

ugliness, uhlan - a German cavalryman,

ulatrophy, atrophy of the gums. ulcuscle, a small ulcer. uletic, of or pertaining to the gums. uliginous, slimy; oozy; swampy; growing in swampy places. ...
The above is from Forthright’s Phrontistery

Definition of: Ulmaceous, Ulmaceous (a.) Of or pertaining to a suborder of urticaceous plants, of which the elm is the type. ...

Ulpan Akiva is a non-profit Educational Center where modern Hebrew is taught against the natural background of the Bible : the Land of Israel. ...

5L ultimo (mense), (in the) last (month), abl. sing. of ultimus: see ULTIMA6 [Old-fashioned] (in the) last (month) !yours of the 13th (day) ultimo received": cf. PROXIMO, INSTANT (adv. 2)

ultraism = going too far

ultramarine - a vivid blue

ultramontane -- beyond the mountains