the definiens (choose one):

a) [obs.] to fasten, make firm (from OE fauste, fixed, firm)

b) a measurement of solid volume approx. equal to a cup (8 ounces); obs. ME faust meaning "fist"

c) a Slovakian term referring to a visitor from the spirit world (specific to the southern region)

d) the maximum level of hurricane winds

e) a spring-loaded compression device used to secure shoelaces without the need to knot the laces

f) to pronounce guilty of criminal charges

g) OE for a sumptuous meal, often of multiple courses

h) the initial burst of flame, from the burner, into the mouth of a hot air balloon that results in complete distension of the balloon envelope and lift-off

i) extremely prolific writer (from Frederic Faust Amer. writer. 1892-1943)

j) to play as card of the wrong suit, esp. in whist-type games where one has to follow suit if possible

k) the chemical compound made up of Fluorine, Gold, Silicon and Tellurium; named not only for the chemist who discovered it, but for the elements it contains

l) [rare] happy, lucky (from L. faustus)

m) the distinctive smell of a room that has been lived in for too long without the windows having been opened

n) a slang term, common in the US in the 1950's, used to describe customized automobiles designed for drag racing

our many fine definers include: ASp, Bingley, consuelo, dxb, JohnH, maahey, maverick, musick, RC, Tross, wofa, Wordwind, and <sigh> ron o.