I've had over a dozen in a single day and maybe two or three dozen over the course of a week. Only get about 3 to 5 a week now.

Most of the you try to say "Look, I'm not interested" but they keep on blabbing to keep you on the line. A former lying scumbag was on NPR day before yesterday talking about her ten year stint as a telemarketer - how rough her job was. "Oh, you just wouldn't believe how RUDE people were to her! You should feel HER pain."

The problem with this is that

1) It is EXTREMELY rude to call a person you do not know to discuss business with them when you have not been previously asked. If this woman had even a modicum of intelligence or integrity, she would at the very least say, "Well, I was extremely rude and disrespectful by calling someone I didn't know with some bit of stupidity, and THEN they were rude to me in return! Have you ever heard of anything so vile?"

2) My phone is for my convenience, not anyone else's. To presume otherwise is vile.

3) Answering machines and number revealing devices DO NOT HELP. When a person I know calls, I want it right then - I don't want to find out later that my wife had a flat tire and needs me. I don't want to get up to look at the number that's calling if it's not something that concerns me. These devices are useless to me.

If our telephone companies (and I used to work for one) weren't a bunch of lowlifes, we would at a very minimum be able to call these vermin back and tie up THEIR phone lines. Further, it ought to be 100% legal to demon dial their sorry carcasses. It's surely ethical, and it's only because the phone companies have either lied or bought the idiots in congress that this isn't legal.

My only problems with the new law are
1) there are exceptions and
2) there are no prison terms involved for violators.
