Look at it this way, wwh, and pardon a little story here:

When I took piano lessons as a youth, I was extremely self-critical and hated having finger faults. Not many, but the ones I hit incorrectly pained me.

Then one day, much later, I performed for someone's wedding--the entire service. And I missed a note in one of my favorite pieces--and it just made me so very, very sad because I loved the piece and loved the bride and wanted everything perfect. I was about 24 years old, still very young. Anyway, the bride expressed her thanks to me after the service and I said, "Oh, you're welcome, but I am so sorry I missed that note in the Mozart."

She said [and truer words were never spoken], "But think of the hundreds you got right!"

Oh, she was a happy bride. And there was a world of wisdom in her observation--so much that I've passed on her word to countless, self-critical music students I've taught myself.

So, I'll take her wisdom to a different level and say to you, wwh, think of how many letters you get right! And the occasional one you miss sometimes sends us off to fantastic places!