THANKYOU to ... WAPII attendees for your postcards
You're welcome, Sweet Thing. You are highly valued, even though you're not around as much as we'd like.

Money, money--that and time. Two things which we all seem short of. I occasionally come across comparatively cheap fares to Oz and NZ. But those are only from the U.S., and even then we'd all have to pay to get to the departure city, adding to the cost; IF we should all just happen to be able to go at that time--not likely! And yeah, I understand about the family bit. Even though I (only) went to Great Britain and Ireland, for the next time I don't care whether my husband says he can't make it--he's going. Kids too, if they're not in school. I would be utterly terrified of going to Bali (too "foreign" to me, plus I don't really speak the language), but would love it nonetheless.

Sounds like we might be considering going coastal :-). I've always had a desire to see San Francisco; none, for the rest of that foreign country known as California. (!)
I would like to say that, if it's hot wherever we are, I would VERY much like to have the option of staying in somewhere where it's air-conditioned. As to Seattle--I spent 3 days there, one February a few years back. And while I was amazed to see live flowers blooming, we only had sunshine for about 15 minutes total. All of my pictures are gray and depressing, though I had a great time.