Whew! Father Steve - that's one prolific man!
Now, just to let you know I'm not filing my brain with fluff, I am also reading some serious books.
1. "Generally Speaking" by Claudia Kennedy - the first woman to reach the rank of Lt. General (three stars) in U.S. Army. Some intersting stuff and would be useful to any young woman embarking on a career in military *or* in "real life!"
2. "Good Morning Mr. Zip Zip Zip Movies, Memory, and World War II" a semi-memoir by Richard Schickel, the movie critic for TIME magazine. The book recalls his youth and all the movies, music and memories of the 1940s and onward. A bit heavy - here and there - on mentioning the writers of movies who were, or were accused of being, Communists - but otherwise enjoyable especially for those who recall the same times.
3. Last but not least, "Always Faithful: by Capt William Putney DVM, USMC Ret. It's a memoir of the Marine dogs of WWII - Family pets who were trained and then went to war and saved the lives of thousands of soldiers in the vicious fighting across the islands of the Pacific.
After the war the Army was going to destroy the dogs but Putney fought for re-training and won (!) so that nearly all the dogs were returned to the families who gave up their family pets for the war effort. Only a very few dogs couldn't be re-trained and had to be killed. Even if you do not like dogs it's a piece of history, and will leave you, if nothing else, with respect for those Marines and the dogs that saved so many lives.