don't you folks ever read anything light?

Well ... yea, but most of my light stuff is SF and I'm not sure, but I always get the feeling most people don't care for SF (except for the fantasy sf, which is not a genre I like very much).

But I've put the physics thing off for way too long while my FIL borrowed my book. (The other physics books I mentioned are very simple books - really, they're for the layman.)

I love the BOLO series of books (started by Keith Laumer and continued by David Drake, et. al.). Particularly, I think they contrast nicely with Fred Saberhagen's Berserker series. In Bolo, the robotic tanks are the heros. In Berserker, they're as relentless as the borg. (I suspect strongly that the Veger episode of startrek was based on this idea.) The Berserkers are not villains, per se. The really evil ones are the people who SIDE WITH THE ROBOTS to destroy all life.

I also like the Midnight at the Well of Souls pentology. (The second series, a trilogy isn't near so good.)

Brin's Sundiver trilogy (aka the uplift saga) is pretty good, as is the second trilogy.

For fantasy, I like the Book of the Dun Cow (which may be a children's book, but it's still good). Also, Anne Mcaffrey's Dragon books are really good. And Mary Stewart's Crystal Cave trilogy.

I guess if you really only want light reading, I doubt you could find better way to while the time than a collection of short stories by O Henry or HH Munro.
