off on a tangent.. i read 'timeline' (michael crition's book) and in the imaginary trip to the past, they visited what is present day france, whose inhabitance spoke Oc
the languge of oc.
and looking at the name of the 'people/area' i can't help but see langue d'oc (language of oc in french? or in Oc?)

i knew nothing about this period of france.. does anyone else?
a chunck of english comes from 'french'- and oc is old french.(i think)
we have enough german speakers, and word paths through high and low german have been discussed.. what about Oc and other form of french?

(PS, Capfka, i am sure you are right about RC authorities, i suspect they are as ruthless and cruel as any of the 'allahtola's' or other muslim leaders. they are held in check by democratic, or even totalitarian govermnemts who are often milder. theocracy is a cruel form of leadership.

religious fanatics, of what ever stripe are scary. Part of the reason i call myself a former catholic.)