up nile (south from egypt) would be current day Ethiopia, and the people of ethiopia are not exclusively negro's. (it hard to tell what they are(originaly where), since arab, and indians have traded with and settle in the area since before recorded history!

negro's, are found in centeral africa, and they had cities, (such as timbucktue, (what ever its spelling), and some groups had a written language (but a crude writing system, about on par with what the irish used before they adapted the western alphabet) the zulu's, an other negro group, were agressive brave warriors, with sophisticated kinship, and political groups, that 'united' a good deal of central africa (a territory extending from the congo to the edge of south africa) for a variety of reasons (many to do with tropical diseases, and lack of animals suitable to domestication,) they had a more nomadic life style than say the romans, but there kingdom was larger..

nowdays, its common for american blacks to claim that the egyptians (and much of there knowledge was the basis for greek and roman advancements.) were 'blacks'. but there is a really black culture, (that is largely unknown) and there is no real proof - (the images of the egyptians made of themselves don't look like negro's, but rather like the current day people of egypt and ethiopia..) (and there images are clear enough, that doctors have seen evidence (later proven, by examination of mummies) that the egyptians suffered from polio..they portrayed infirmities pretty acurately, no reason to think they wouldn't do the same for hair, noses and skin tone.

the head waters of nile, (lake victory) is in the heart of africa, an area the is/was inhabitated exclusively by negro's. but egypt never extended to the head waters.. its present day borders are not to different from its classicial boarders (at least in terms of the land along the nile..) they did battle with the ethiopians about the boarder..and it did move over time.. (and of course, ancient maps are no where near as accurate as current day ones.. even landmarks such as 'waterfall/cateracts move with time!

at several points in egyptina history, the dynasties were headed by people of ethiopia, and other times by the berber group that is more common to north africa. but ther doesn't seem to have been a mass influx of ethiopians when they ruled egypt... (just as england had the georges' as kings, but didn't become a germanic country)

(but what ever they are, they are different cultural and language group from the semites, who make up the jewish and non jewish population of the near east.)