Here's something from another site. The English story actually goes as a "17th Century English physician, a Dr. Condom, the inventor."

>History of the Condom

1350 BC Egyptian men wear devices made of papyrus and colored animal membranes as phallic decorations.

1500's Condoms are made from fish membranes and lamb intestines and begin to be used as contraceptives

1600's The use of the name "condom" becomes popularized; named after a 17th Century English physician and courtesan credited with the invention.

1725-98 According to Casanova's memoirs, he was one of the first to popularize the use of condoms as birth control. He was also aware of their use against sexually transmitted diseases.

1843-44 Condom use grows with the invention of vulcanized rubber, making them less expensive.

1861 The New York Times publishes the first known ad for condoms in a US newspaper. The brand? "Dr. Powers' French Preservatives".

1930 Almost all condoms are made from latex because it is less expensive than animal membranes. <

For more modern addendum to this chronology, and the full site: