No I am not Milton, nor was meant to be
Am an attendant sod, one that will do
To swell a sentence, start a thread or two...

In any case, it was the 'post-modernist postcard' that set me off, detesting as I do all the intellectual claptrap that this movement is encumbered with - inspired as it is by the French philosophers who claim to be against method and, whilst provoking a useful revolution in the world of science and the philosophy of science (giving us the notion of a paradigm shift), also retreat from a world of reliability into one in which any pronouncement, as long as it was made by a Lacan or someone of similar stature, is treated as if it were part of the Decalogue (whose provenance, no doubt, depending upon which so-called scholar you speak to, is either settled and sure, or else an eternal mystery that nobody should ever feel the right to speak authoritatively about), resulting, as we see today, in a reversion to tribal behaviour punctuated by muffled shrieks of "you said", "No, YOU said" - an overall degeneration from the higher standards of rigour and true intellect that we of the more classically minded, and one may even say without shame, empirical, traditions have cultivated, and with which I compare it with such contempt. (196 words)


the sunshine (almost, at times, the fool) warrior