woody guthry, and other artist were hired by the WPA to write work song about the WPA projects.. (Woody wrote 'Roll on Columbia', among others for the grand culee dam on the columbia river- (washington/oregon) )

as Woody traveled across america (which he had done before, since he was born in oklahoma when it was still indian territory, not a state, but his first wife and family (not arlo,) lived in NYC (where he came to live again, and eventually died) he couldn't help be impressed by this country.

He had originally penned "this land is your land, this land is my land" as a socilist/communist complaint song.. (he was inspired by and particulary ired by "god bless america" which was a pop hit in the 1930's, and very sappy) but he couldn't keep it up.. and he changed the verses, to the beautiful song most american know today. some of the late verses (there are about 30 verses to the song, it is rare to see them all published) do retain a socialist theme.

i don't know the song, but it wouldn't surprize me if it was a one commissioned by the WPA for the dam. I don't know if woody guthry wrote songs for the hover dam.
(but he was very pleased about the work on grand culee, and thought it was very smart of the government to pay artist like himself to commemorate great acheavements with songs.)