pl. 3gies 5ModL menologium < LGr mcnologion < Gr mcn, month, MOON + logos, a word, account: see LOGIC6
1 a calendar of the months, with their events
2 a listing of saints, with brief biographies, arranged in calendar order

1 the doctrine that arose in Europe with the decline of feudalism, that the economic interests of the nation could be strengthened by the government by protection of home industries, as through tariffs, by increased foreign trade, as through monopolies, and by a balance of exports over imports, with a consequent accumulation of bullion
n., adj.

mer[cap[tan 7m!r kap4tan#8
5Ger, contr. < ML mercurium captans, lit., seizing mercury < L mercurius, mercury (see MERCURY, n.) + captans, prp. of captare, to seize, freq. of capere: see HAVE6 any of a class of thiol compounds analogous to the alcohols, characterized by the substitution of sulfur for oxygen in the OH radical and by strong, unpleasant odors; hydrosulfide
Bad smells, ranging from skunk perfume to odor of urine after eating asparagus

mercerize jz#8
3ized#, 3iz#ing 5after J. Mercer (1791-1866), Eng calico dealer6 to treat (cotton thread or fabric) under tension with a caustic soda solution in order to strengthen it, give it a silky luster, and make it more receptive to dyes
Probably an eponym as trademark. I still remember how wonderful “sanforized” was, Meaning you no longer had to buy shirts too big, and shrink them to fit you.

pl. 3nos 5Sp, prob. after (Beni) Merin, name of a Berber tribe of nomads and shepherds6
1 any of a breed of hardy, white-faced sheep with long, fine wool, orig. from Spain
2 the wool
3 a fine, soft yarn made from this wool, often mixed with cotton
4 a soft, thin cloth made of this yarn
designating or of this sheep, wool, yarn, or cloth
I remember seeing a TV program about them. The Spanish government prized them so highly the export of the animals was not permitted. And a wide band of grazing land running from the lowland winter pasture to the hight pastures in the mountains in summer was set aside and protected by very striict laws.

mer[lin 7msr4lin8
5ME merlion < OFr esmerillon, dim. of esmeril, merlin < OHG smirl, merlin6 a small, dark falcon (Falco columbarius) with a striped, brownish-red breast, of North America and Eurasia
I have wondered if there is any etymological connection to the name of the wizard Merlin in Arthurian legends.