> Do you think good music necessarily contains profanity?

Yeah, I can see I didn't make myself very clear. I certainly understand why you see his comment as 'disturbing', but I was trying to see it through the eyes of a kid though, who looks for attention through the shock value of abrasive language. I mean, he may just have thought it a dope thang to say in the first place. When you say, 'Bring in some music' I doubt he's thinking of the world of music that is evoked in your mind. I think he probably only sees the power of 'music' amongst his peers in a very direct, raw and crude use of lyrics which will attract attention and make him look daring in front of his friends. The group entertainment factor of comic novelty music (like the aforementioned 'Baby got back') is very high. Assuming this standpoint, and with the lewd possibilities stricken, I'm not sure I could think of much 'good music' to bring in either.

Aside: I just discovered the delights of the throat singers of Tuva (or Tyva) via the great story of Paul Pena's journeys there. Anyone interested in singing in general or perhaps familiar with Tibetan monk or Bantu pygmy singing will be enthralled by this music.