5altered (infl. by YARD1) < ME lanyer < MFr laniere < OFr lasniere < lasne, noose, earlier nasle < Frank *nastila, a cord, lace, dim. of Gmc *nast3 < IE base *ned3 > L nodus, knot6
1 a short rope or cord used on board ship for holding or fastening something
2 a cord worn around the neck, as by sailors, from which to hang something, as a knife, whistle, etc.
3 a cord with attached hook, for firing certain types of cannon

i know this word, i have used it for a vinyl, flat cording, that is woven into ropes, and used to hold keys (so it would be close to defination 2.)

The park employees always had reels of lanyard--which we use to make lanyards.. there was diamond "stitch", a firm tight rope design, that resulted in the two different tones of lanyard creating a design with diamond shapes, Box, (square shape) barrel (similar to box, but spiral design made the sides seem rounded) cobra, a striped design like the body of the snake..

we wore the lanyards round our neck, holding most often a house key.. in the summer we were expected to fend for our selves when our mothers needed to run errands (like going to the bank, and having the quartly interest recorded), or going to the utility office to pay the bill, (and save the cost of a money order and a stamp) or when mother had a doctors appointment.

craft stores still sell the stuff, and i have taught my neices and nephews the 'stitches', my siblings had total forgotten how to weave them.