lamellirostral [l??m?l?'r?str?l], lamellirostrate [l??m?l?'r?stre?t]
adjective (of ducks, geese, etc.) having a bill fringed with thin
plates on the inner edge for straining water from food
[ETYMOLOGY: 19th Century: from New Latin lamellirostris, from
lamella + rostrum beak]

I was intrigued by the definition of "rostrum" as beak, since I only knew that word to mean a speaker's platform or desk.

Webster's say:

(Rom. Antiq.) The Beaks; the stage or platform in the forum where orations, pleadings, funeral harangues, etc., were delivered; -- so called because after the Latin war, it was adorned with the beaks of captured vessels; later, applied also to other platforms erected in Rome for the use of public orators.

Thank you, Bill (again), I learned something!