
Goob to see you again!

Stil broppin dose fivers into the cherry master I see... of curse only after a quart of the Powers and a bozen imperial pints, I'm sure.

Bibja ever get the ear fixeb? It musta deen hell havin a ring rippeb out it in the heat of passsion. Ya gotta watch yer back when the misses (well anyone's missus fer that matter) is in the house.

I see the say no to animals clud is in full force on that sibe if the Shannon. Tis a sab bay when doth bogs and pussy are missin from the establishment. Hey, at least there ain't no cows or sheep, either. Lenbs new meanin to "watchin yer back" (new to me, anyway).

I'm boin' me dest to make a pilgrimage to Slashers... even if it is mainly to philosophise with Albear Camu for an evening.

Hope to be seein ya.