Main Entry: pro·pin·qui·ty
Pronunciation: pr&-'pi[ng]-kw&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English propinquite, from Latin propinquitat-, propinquitas kinship, proximity, from propinquus near, akin, from prope near -- more at APPROACH
Date: 14th century
1 : nearness of blood : KINSHIP
2 : nearness in place or time : PROXIMITY

I've always loved this word, particularly the way it wriggles off the tongue. I haven't seen it used many times in print, but I do seem to recall the first time was in one of the James Bond books. I think one of the super-villains used it when he said to Bond: "Nothing propinks like propinquity." It may have been Goldfinger, but I can't remember. Any ideas anyone? Also interested in other's delight in this word.


Carpe whatever