All right, you-all, that's enough depression. Here are some reasons to return to a happier state of mind. First,
we know we're not alone, fighting the battle for proper use of language. That's always nice, knowing that there's
somebody on your side. Second, shanks, I think your 300th is a call for celebration--I know I celebrate you!
Now--just consider this forum, folks! My goodness, aren't we lucky to have found this wonderful place, and that we live in a time that this is even possible??
We can get to know people on the other side of the world--at least, their thoughts, and maybe learn something about the way they live. We can communicate in seconds with someone who is two days' air travel away! This is just SO AMAZING!! And, it allows us to get the viewpoint of a bunch of different people, not just the person on the other end of the telephone. Yes, the system has its difficulties and frustrations, but just think--how much richer we are because of it!