5It intarsio < intarsiare, to inlay, incrust < in3, in + Ar tarRi, inlay work < raRRa#a, to inlay6 a style of decorative or pictorial inlay, esp. of the Italian Renaissance, involving a mosaic of wood pieces or, sometimes, ivory, metal, etc.

5L intercalarius, intercalaris < intercalare: see fol.6
1 added to the calendar: said of a day, month, etc. inserted in a calendar year to make it correspond to the solar year
2 having such a day, month, etc. added: said of a year
3 interpolated or inserted

intercensal - Maintaining census related activities during the intercensal years.
In`ter*ne"cion (
5altered (infl. by L interdictus) < ME entrediten < n. entredit: see n. below6
1 to prohibit (an action) or prohibit the use of (a thing); forbid with authority
2 to restrain from doing or using something
3 to impede or hinder (the enemy) or isolate (an area, route, etc.) by firepower or bombing


?), n. [L. internecio.] Mutual slaughter or destruction; massacre. [Obs.] Sir M. Hale.


In`ter*os"cu*late (?), v. i. & t.

1. To kiss together to touch. See Osculate.

2. (Biol.) To have the character of, or to lie between, two distinct groups.

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adj : of, relating to, dependent on, or constituting the autonomic
nervous system -