Hijack time again. This time hijacking tsuwm's wwftd "foible" which he allowed me to
suggest to him. Feeble was I ere I saw foible. One of my foibles is an excessive fondness
for le mot juste. I get upset unduly when I think someone else has used a word erroneously.

I think it would be fun for other members to post here peculiar goibles they perceive in their
associates. Like the three friends who were discussing their foibles. The first guy admitted to
compulsion to mentally undress each female he met. The second confessed to compulsion
seek sexual favors from his female employees, and named some of the victims. The third
guy blurted that his foible was gossip and ran off to spread what he had just learned.
EDIT : Birdseed caught the typo I have put inot red.
5obs. var. of Fr faible: see FEEBLE6
1 a small weakness; slight frailty in character
2 the weakest part of a sword blade, from the middle to the point: cf. FORTE1 (sense 1)

tsuwm wwftd http://home.mn.rr.com/wwftd/