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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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I remember how I learned this word, from an article in National Geographic in the twenties. For exploration of deep sea bottom, a "bathysphere" was built, a metal hollow sphere perhaps eight feet in diameter, with thick glass windows. But the first time it was tested, with no one inside, the tremendous pressure burst one window inwards. This might even have been the first time the word was used.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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A charge, often false, of a lack of reverence for God. One of the principal functions of religion is to allow the elite to control the masses. Socrates was condemned to death on trumped up allegations of impiety.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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an article in National Geographic in the twenties…the first time the word was usedNot according to Merriam-Webster http://m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=implode
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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impound vt. 1 to shut up (an animal) in a pound 2 to take and hold (a document, funds, a vehicle, etc.) in legal custody 3 to gather and enclose (water) for irrigation, etc. im[pound4ment n.
A pond is a relatively small body of water resulting from a stream becoming blocked
A pound can be a enclosed place where stray animals can be kept until claimed by their owners. Or destroyed if owners do not claim them.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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imprecate vt. 3cat#ed, 3cat#ing 5< L imprecatus, pp. of imprecari, to invoke, pray to < in3, in, on + precari, to PRAY6 1 to pray for or invoke (evil, a curse, etc.) !to imprecate disaster upon one‘s foe" 2 [Rare] to invoke evil upon; curse —SYN CURSE im4pre[ca#tor n.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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impregnable adj. 5ME imprenable < OFr: see IN32 & PREGNABLE6 1 not capable of being captured or entered by force 2 unshakable; unyielding; firm !an impregnable belief" impreg#na[bil4i[ty n. im[preg4na[bly adv.
im[preg[na[ble2 7im preg4n! b!l8 adj. 5fol. + 3ABLE6 that can be impregnated
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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improvise vt., vi. 3vised#, 3vis#ing 5Fr improviser < It improvvisare < improvviso, unprepared < L improvisus, unforeseen < in3, not + provisus, pp. of providere, to foresee, anticipate: see PROVIDE6 1 to compose, or simultaneously compose and perform, on the spur of the moment and without any preparation; extemporize 2 a) to bring about, make, or do on the spur of the moment !to improvise a solution to a problem" b) to make, provide, or do with the tools and materials at hand, usually to fill an unforeseen and immediate need !to improvise a bed out of leaves" im4pro[vis#er, im4pro[vi#sor, or im[prov$i[sa#tor 73pr9v4i zat#!r8 n.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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imprudent adj. 5ME < L imprudens: see IN32 & PRUDENT6not prudent; without thought of the consequences; lacking in judgment or caution; rash; indiscreet im[pru4dence n. im[pru4dent[ly adv.
derived from Latin "pudor" = shame, sense of shame.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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inadvertent adj. 5prob. back-form. < prec.6 1 not attentive or observant; heedless 2 due to oversight; unintentional in#ad[vert4ent[ly adv.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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imbroglio n., pl. 3glios 5It < imbrogliare, to embroil < or akin to MFr embrouiller: see EN31 & BROIL26 1 [Rare] a confused heap 2 an involved and confusing situation; state of confusion and complication 3 a confused misunderstanding or disagreement
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