I'm with Faldage - organic tastes LOTS better. The only thing I thought about cold-pressed extra-virgin, was not so much that that meant organic (which I realize it doesn't), but that it meant that the oil product was that much closer to its original form. Cold-pressing is, in my understanding (and I await correction!), a non-chemical method for extracting oils from produce; and extra-virgin, being the first pressing, would be the least refined, yes?

I bought some organic cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil t'other day and my mother nearly passed out when I used it to cook something at her place and - oops - told her what it had cost. But I reckon organic foods are worth it. The price is a reflection of the production costs and I'll pay that price to eat good food.

PS to Faldage: I used it on a low heat! - there's a little thermometer on the label that indicates at what temperature it's okay to use this type of olive oil for cooking - it was very low, and thanks to you, I noticed that and used it, as recommended, only for "light sauteeing."