The Lorica Segmentata is believed by most historians to be the primary body armour
of the Roman Legionary during the last part of the Roman Empire. 'Lorica' is the Latin
word for armour. Unlike other
Roman armours such as the Lorica Hamata and Lorica Squamata, we do not know exactly
what the Romans called this type of armour, so we have made
up our own term 'Lorica Segmentata,' roughly: 'Segmented Armour.'
There are at least three known variants of the Lorica Segmentata (Roman historians
may correct me here), two from the Corbridge excavations: Corbridge Type A and
Corbridge Type B, and one from the Newstead find: Newstead Lorica Segmentata.
Lorica Segmentata consist of horizontal "strips" of iron circling the torso and
overlapping each other and riveted to a leather backing. The shoulders are
protected by verticle strips of iron overlapping each other and riveted to
a leather backing. The Newstead Lorica Segmentata is believed to be of
later date and has a less complicated design.
Here is URL. scroll to bottom. There is link to diagrams of lorica segmentata