If something doesn't belong to you, you shouldn't take it. You've assumed the position of ownership when that position wasn't warranted.

But what about those who believe that "property is theft"? How do we know who is right - those who think as you do, WW, and those who believe in the communality of all things?

[devil's advocate-e]

the trouble is, the person who feels justified taking the candy is insensed when their car is stolen, or there house is broken into. (other's things are communal, my things are mine!)

anyone remember the Diggers? on of the radical 60's groups? (mostly in NY, but also out west..) they believed property was theft, and own almost nothing except communally, and gave all the rest away. One the the "leaders" was emmett grogin.. but it was very hard to keep up communal living in our society.. old values die hard.
(PS in grocery store lingo, the act of eating candy or fruit while shopping is called grazing. and it is a form of shoplifting.)