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#32663 06/18/01 03:59 PM
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the worthless word for the day is: apocryphal

#32664 06/18/01 07:03 PM
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Like this thread?

#32665 06/18/01 07:09 PM
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#32666 06/18/01 07:11 PM
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Almost oopsied there.

#32667 06/19/01 01:58 AM
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If I can see it, it exists.

#32668 06/19/01 12:50 PM
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Well, dash it all! This seems to be another strange little door through the back of the wardrobe

#32669 06/19/01 01:05 PM
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This seems to be another strange little door through the back of the wardrobe

And isn't that passageway called the Matrix™?

#32670 06/19/01 02:49 PM
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#32671 06/19/01 02:54 PM
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You forgot your bath-towel, Sparteye maybe I don't need a see change after all!

#32672 06/19/01 03:00 PM
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You forgot your bath-towel, Sparteye

Oh no! Now I have frightened the animals and I have made the children cry.

#32673 06/19/01 08:13 PM
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Will someone please splain me what all the fuss is about? Like you, for example, mav? ... I'm guessing this thread is for some reason difficult to get into, but I'm having no problem. Which is kinda strange, since I ride an old Mac, etc, etc ad nauseum (...fadeout...)

#32674 06/19/01 08:59 PM
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Is this something like the Emperor's new clothes?

#32675 06/20/01 01:16 AM
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Ha! Is this the best you've got, Mav?


#32676 06/20/01 01:25 AM
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No, but it's all I can spare just now, consuelo!

#32677 06/20/01 09:47 AM
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[tapping foot]

#32678 06/20/01 12:33 PM
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[tapping foot]

enough already, Mrs Liverwurst!

OK, the deal is this: all Mac-less humanity seems to be unable to access this thread by the normal direct route (I have tried threaded and flat mode but that made no difference), and we are having to creep in through the back door in the manner described elswhere. We can see the thread (with its superficially blank title), but we just caint do nuthin'!

#32679 06/20/01 12:38 PM
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well as pointed out to Sparteye-- you can just position your cursor "right" and get in the normal way.. (still working on how you did it... )

#32680 06/20/01 12:44 PM
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Ledasdottir claims you can just position your cursor "right"

Well, I for one, have been unable to find that elusive little spot.

FTR, IE5.00, PC, Win2K

Trying with NetScape 6.0 makes no difference.

#32681 06/20/01 12:50 PM
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Yep, I have tried this repeatedly and get nowhere - I can highlight the little blip representing the <space> I put into the title, but it won't open the door!

ditto for setup, Faldage (or should that be {Win'K}

#32682 06/20/01 12:55 PM
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You put a space in the title, mav? I have been posting with the Re: intact and editing it out immediately after posting.

Oooh, ooh, oooh! What kind of space are you using?

#32683 06/20/01 01:35 PM
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Mental Note:

AnnaS not only need complete set of leather good for chastising, but a copy of "The g spot" for partner to be...

#32684 06/20/01 01:38 PM
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Yep, I have tried this repeatedly and get nowhere - I can highlight the little blip representing the <space> I put into the title, but it won't open the door!

it seems to depend on the browser (or maybe the pc). I can get in from work via netscape, but not from home via aol (ha!). I suppose I could try netscape from home... [yawn]

#32685 06/20/01 01:51 PM
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not from home via aol

Ya mean you ain't got rid o that pesky li'l infestetation yet? You gotta git yourself a better virus cutter quick!

#32686 06/20/01 01:58 PM
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I am using Netscape 4.5-- and it never even occured to me to use Next/previous to get ito the the thread.. i just click the right spot.. it was a bit tricky the first time (isn't everything?) but now, its no harder that opening any thread..

the subject line delete is a little trickier.. but got that too..

#32687 06/20/01 01:58 PM
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git yourself a better virus cutter
yeah... DSL or cable?... DSL or cable?... let's see, cable is faster, doesn't require separate isp, means more drilling, shared access; dsl is dedicated, slower, isp extra, uses existing lines... <mumble>

#32688 06/20/01 02:48 PM
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If this helps, I have cable internet. When my computer is fully warmed up and ready to go, it takes ten
seconds for AWAD to appear and be usable, or for my internet Home Page to be usable.

Edit: this is odd--the first time I posted with a blank subject, there was no problem. Now it doesn't want to let me.

#32689 06/20/01 02:52 PM
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And DSL requires you to live within 3 miles of phone company. I have had quite a few headaches with pacbell.

#32690 06/20/01 05:46 PM
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Maverick must be rolling on the floor with laughter, tears rolling down face, with all the contortions we are all going through ... since all that's required is for Maverick, the original poster, to hit the edit button on the original post and go in and insert a subject heading.
C'mon Mav, have a heart!

#32691 06/20/01 06:12 PM
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Gitting in ta mav's initial post ain' no sweat, wow.

What I wanna know is how'd I manage to make an anonymous totally empty post to the Loanwords from German forum?
To get to it you got to click on my name, click on Show all user's posts and then click on Re: Guten Tag

#32692 06/20/01 06:22 PM
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Guess I wasn't clear ... I have no problem. Just clicked on the "Next Post" arrow at the top right of the forum.

I think Maverick is just yankin' our chains!

#32693 06/20/01 06:29 PM
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>What I wanna know is how'd I manage to make an anonymous totally empty post to the Loanwords from German forum?

everyone who has ever tried to post to that thread has one of those. it's like a ghost limb.

#32694 06/20/01 06:46 PM
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it's like a ghost limb

OK, yeah, you're right. I *had tried this before and forgot what the results were. I thought I had pulled an end run around something by telling the system I was in I&A but still at post 149 and responding to that. Somewhere along that road I got an error message telling me I had my Java on upside down, or something like that.

#32695 06/20/01 09:00 PM
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Well, Mizz Liverwurst's old Netscape via this old Mac shows a thin blue line - the <space> thang - as the subject heading. Eminently clickable. Interesting. Maybe there is a reason to run a steam-powered computing machine after all!

Helen, you are vewwwy naughty.... hehehe

#32696 06/20/01 09:24 PM
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Maverick the mischievous mystifies many masochists.

#32697 06/20/01 09:32 PM
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yes, but emulate him-- blank out the line-- don't type in Blank Line!

#32698 06/20/01 09:32 PM
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So that's what happened, tsuwm, when I tried to post a follow-up about Neanderthal on that Loanwords From German thread (this was a couple of months ago)...it kept accepting the post and appearing nowhere! I finally gave up looking for it!

I have an emachines computer, and I had no trouble accessing this thread once the "Re:'s" started showing up. I know this'll sound dumb to all you computer geniuses, but since you say only Macs could access this post, is my computer doing something out of the ordinary here, displaying super-human traits as it were?

#32699 06/20/01 09:45 PM
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I had no trouble getting into this post-- (well a little, it took a minute or two for me to find the magic spot--) and clit, oh i mean, click on it! and once i gave it some thought.. no more Blank Post but rather nothingness in the subject.

#32700 06/21/01 12:38 AM
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Well, Mizz Liverwurst's old Netscape via this old Mac shows a thin blue line

Ah, the thin blue line. Appropriate for a dyed-in-the-wool Confederate like yourself, Mizz Grits! [throws another dollar into a Las Vegas slot machine -e]

The idiot also known as Capfka ...
#32701 06/21/01 01:33 PM
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This is a test. This is only a test.

#32702 06/21/01 02:00 PM
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space - the final frontier...

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