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#154204 01/24/06 04:04 AM
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Carpal Tunnel
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Carpal Tunnel
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There was a Joe
Leanin' on the back door
A couple Jills with their eyes on a couple bills
Their eyes was statin'
They was waitin'
To get their hands on some easy money

They flipped a dime
One said " well, I'll take heads this time"
One stepped up
One stepped back
One loosened her shoulder strap
She couldn't speak,
Her knees got weak
She could almost taste that easy money

Easy Money~Rickie Lee Jones

#154205 01/24/06 07:45 AM
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Take me to the action, take me to the track
Take me to a party if they're bettin' in the back
I've been working all my life, can't afford to wait
Let me call my wife so I can tell her I'll be late

I want the easy, easy money
Easy money, I could get lucky
Oh, things could go right
I want the easy, easy money
Easy money, maybe this one time
Maybe tonight

~ Billy Joel

#154206 01/24/06 09:58 AM
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Takin Care of Business

You get up every morning
From your alarm clock's warning
Take the 8:15 into the city
There's a whistle up above
And people pushin', people shovin'
And the girls who try to look pretty

And if your train's on time
You can get to work by nine
And start your slaving job to get your pay
If you ever get annoyed
Look at me I'm self-employed
I love to work at nothing all day

And I'll be...
Taking care of business every day
Taking care of business every way
I've been taking care of business, it's all mine
Taking care of business and working overtime
Work out!

If it were easy as fishin'
You could be a musician
If you could make sounds loud or mellow
Get a second-hand guitar
Chances are you'll go far
If you get in with the right bunch of fellows

People see you having fun
Just a-lying in the sun
Tell them that you like it this way
It's the work that we avoid
And we're all self-employed
We love to work at nothing all day

-- Bachman Turner Overdrive

formerly known as etaoin...
#154207 01/24/06 07:14 PM
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In the half-tone light of a young morning
she sighs and shifts on the pillow.
And across her face dancing, the first shadows fly
to kiss the Pussy Willow.
In her fairy-tale world she's a lost soul singing
in a sad voice nobody hears.
She waits in her castle of make-believe
for her white knight to appear.
Pussy Willow down fur-lined avenue
brushing the sleep from her young woman eyes.
Runs for the train , see: eight o'clock's coming
cutting dreams down to size again.
Pussy Willow down fur-lined avenue,
brushing the sleep from her young woman eyes.
Runs from the train. Hear her typewriter humming,
cutting dreams down to size again.
She longs for the East and a pale dress flowing
an apartment in old Mayfair.
Or to fish the Spey, spinning the first run of Spring
or to die for a cause somewhere.
Pussy Willow down fur-lined avenue,
brushing the sleep from her young woman eyes.
Runs from the train. Hear her typewriter humming,
cutting dreams down to size again.

Jethro Tull

#154208 01/24/06 07:24 PM
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She's faced the hardest times
You could imagine
And many times her eyes fought back the tears
And when her youthful world was about to fall in
Each time her slender shoulders
Bore the weight of all her fears
And a sorrow no one hears
Still rings in midnight silence, in her ears

Let her cry, for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's a child
Let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild

And if by chance I should hold her
Let me hold her for a time
But if allowed just one possession
I would pick her from the garden, to be mine

Be careful how you touch her
For she'll awaken
And sleep's the only freedom that she knows
And when you walk into her eyes
you won't believe
The way she's always paying
For a debt she never owes
And a silent wind still blows
That only she can hear and so she goes

Let her cry, for she's a lady
Let her dream, for she's a child
Let the rain fall down upon her
She's a free and gentle flower, growing wild


#154209 01/24/06 11:33 PM
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Carpal Tunnel
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I am a sailor and you're my first mate,
We signed on together, we coupled our fate,
We hauled up our anchor determined not to fail,
For the heart's treasure together we set sail.

With no maps to guide us we steered our own course,
We rose out the storms when the winds were gale force,
We sat out the doldrums in patience and hope,
Working together we learned how to cope.

Life is an ocean, love is a boat,
In troubled waters it keeps us afloat,
When we started the voyage, there was just me and you,
Now gathered around us we have our own crew.

Together we're in this relationship,
We've built it with care to last the whole trip,
Our true destination is not marked on any chart,
We're navigating for the shores of the heart.

The Voyage~Christy Moore

edited to clean up a couple of gaffs since I actually typed this one in instead of search/copy/paste

Last edited by consuelo; 01/24/06 11:52 PM.
#154210 01/24/06 11:39 PM
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Point of Know Return

I heard the men saying something
The captains tell they pay you well
And they say they need sailing men to
Show the way, and leave today
Was it you that said, "How long, how long?"

They say the sea turns so dark that
You know it's time, you see the sign
They say the point demons guard is
An ocean grave, for all the brave,
Was it you that said, "How long, how long,
How long to the point of know return?"

Your father, he said he needs you
Your mother, she says she loves you
Your brothers, they echo your words:
"How far to the point of know return?"
"Well, how long?"

Today I found a message floating
In the sea from you to me
It said that when you could see it
You cried with fear, the Point was near
Was it you that said, "How long, how long
To the Point of Know Return?"

-- Kansas (Steve Walsh / Phil Ehart / Robby Steinhardt)

formerly known as etaoin...
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EDIT: Pardon the excessive length of this song but I felt honor bound to give the unknown genius who wrote this version of the epic "John Henry" some currency. While what worth you might gleam from reading this song will depend on what brain you brought to the reading, I promise you a careful study will be worthwile.

"Another early version of the John Henry ballad collected by Johnson was obtained from Leon R. Harris of Moline, Ill. Mr. Harris, apparently an itinerant construction worker, claimed he first heard this version in 1909 while part of the crew building the Birmingham Power Co.'s plant at Birmingham, Alabama."


Lissen to my story;
'Tis a story true;
'Bout a might man, --John Henry was his name,
An' John Henry was a steel-driver too--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
John Henry was a steel-driver too.

John Henry had a hammah;
Weighed nigh fo'ty poun';
Eb'ry time John made a strike
He seen his steel go 'bout two inches down,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
He seen his steel go 'bout two inches down.

John Henry's woman, Lucy,--
Dress she wore was blue;
Eyes like stars an' teeth lak-a marble stone,
An' John Henry named his hammah "Lucy" too,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
John Henry named his hammah "Lucy" too.

Lucy came to see him;
Bucket in huh han';
All th' time John Henry ate his snack,
O Lucy she'd drive steel lak-a man,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
O Lucy she'd drive steel lak-a man.

John Henry's cap'n Tommy,--
V'ginny gave him birth;
Loved John Henry like his only son,
And Cap' Tommy was the whitest man on earth,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
Cap' Tommy was th' whitest man on earth.

One day Cap' Tommy told him
How he'd bet a man;
Bet John Henry'd beat a steam-drill down,
Jes' cause he was th' best in th' lan',--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
'Cause he was th' best in th' lan.

John Henry tol' Cap' Tommy;
Lightnin' in his eye;
"Cap'n, bet yo' las' red cent on me,
Fo' I'll beat it to th' bottom or I'll die,-
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
I'll beat it to th' bottom or I'll die."

"Co'n pone's in my stomach;
Hammah's in my han';
Haint no steam-drill on dis railroad job
Can beat 'Lucy' an' her steel-drivin' man,
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
Can beat 'Lucy' an' her steel-drivin' man."

"Bells ring on de engines;
Runnin' down th' line;
Dinnahs done when Lucy pulls th' c'od;
But no hammah in this mountain rings like mine,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
No hammah in this mountain rings like mine."

Sun shined hot an' burning'
Wer'n't no breeze at-tall;
Sweat ran down like watah down a hill
That day John Henry let his hammah fall,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
That day John Henry let his hammah fall.

John Henry kissed his hammah;
White Man turned on steam;
Li'l Bill held John Henry's trusty steel,--
'Twas th' biggest race th' worl' had ever seen,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
Th' biggest race th' worl' had ever seen.

White Man tol' John Henry,--
"Niggah, dam yo' soul,
You might beat dis steam an' drill o' mine
When th' rocks in this mountain turn to gol',--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
When th' rocks in this mountain turn to gol'."

John Henry tol' th' white man;
Tol' him kind-a sad:
"Cap'n George I want-a be yo' fr'en;
If I beat yo' to th' bottom, don't git mad,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
If I beat yo' to th' bottom don't git mad."

Cap' Tommy sees John Henry's
Steel a-bitin' in;
Cap'n slaps John Henry on th' back,
Says, "I'll give yo' fifty dollars if yo' win,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
I'll give yo' fifty dollars if yo' win."

White Man saw John Henry's
Steel a-goin' down;
White Man says,--"That man's a mighty man,
But he'll weaken when th' hardes' rock is foun',--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
He'll weaken when th' hardes' rock is foun'."

John Henry, O John Henry,--
John Henry's hammah too;
When a woman's 'pendin' on a man
Haint no tellin' what a might man can do,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
No tellin' what a mighty man can do.

John Henry, O, John Henry!
Blood am runnin' red!
Falls right down with his hammah to th' groun',
Says, "I've beat him to th' bottom but I'm dead,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
I've beat him to th' bottom but I'm dead."

John Henry kissed his hammah;
Kissed it with a groan;
Sighed a sigh an' closed his weary eyes,
Now po' Lucy has no man to call huh own,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
Po' Lucy has no man to call huh own.

Cap' Tommy came a-runnin'
To John Henry's side;
Says, "Lawd, Lawd,--O Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawd,--
He's beat it to th' bottom but he's died,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
He's beat it to th' bottom but he's died."

Lucy ran to see him;
Dress she wore was blue;
Started down th' track an' she nevvah did turn back,
Sayin', "John Henry, I'll be true--true to you,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
John Henry, I'll be true--true to you."

John Henry, O, John Henry!
Sing it if yo' can,--
High an' low an' ev'ry where yo' go,--
He died with his hammah in his han',--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
He died with his hammah in his han'.

Buddie, where'd yo' come from
To this railroad job?
If yo' wantta be a good steel-drivin' man,
Put yo' trus' in yo' hammah an' yo' God,--
Lawd, -- Lawd, --
Put yo' trus' in yo' hammah an' yo God.


Last edited by themilum; 01/25/06 11:11 AM.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
Then one day he was shootin at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.

Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.

Well the first thing you know ol' Jed's a millionaire,
Kinfolk said Jed move away from there
Said Californy is the place you ought to be
So they loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly.

Hills, that is.
Swimmin pools, movie stars.

The Beverly Hillbillies!

#154213 01/30/06 09:19 AM
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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So I say it's up to us to straighten
Out this mess...
We got to go through hell...
And then that's the last of this
Miserable test...

Black must be bold
Because it's gold and true
Kings of this world...
So let them go to the moon.
Yes let them go to mars.
Because deep down inside
They're really from the stars.

That's why they don't want
Us to mix...just the way
The word of God had said.
So let them go to saturn...that's
Where they'll learn instead.
Because black and white
Together is right...
And white by itself is
An egotistic elf....

from Black Gold by Jimi H

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