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~ now i'm vacation

but the teacher wants to rain my parade! OTL (see man is sick)

the TOEIC homework is so hard! ^ ^;;;;;;

please help!!

I just want to throw everything and run away ... It just made me look irresponsible...

so here is don't know question

11. The instructions on Mr Yang's bottle said to take the pills ___________ until finished.

a) p.m.
b) a.m.
c) a.p.
d) a.u.

I can't understand what is this abreviation.... but you are natural that the nativespeaker has inbred English until birth…….

(I got blacked out yesterday from the beer....

OTL = man is vomit on grond

my position is very uncomfortable. I threw out my back. ^^

sorry ! ^^;;;;;

i must try to be calm and reserve boy for you!!!! Do I have to make it explicit?
Live a responsible life!

thank you for reply soon!

i am waiting....


& &............... *

(the men sit watch a star) ^ ^

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a.p. means as prescribed.

#153887 01/16/06 12:53 PM
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Last edited by iamkimjoochang; 01/16/06 12:54 PM.
#153888 01/16/06 12:56 PM
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Mr Kim. I live in Tianjin. I work on a production line with 3 Koreans. We spend over 10 hours a day together, communicating mostly in English, because my Korean is very poor. Now and then, they teach me a few expressions in Hangul, and I try to help them to improve their English, as best I can, because it is our only means of communicating with our employers.

I'll tell you what I am going to do. I am going to print off your post. Then tomorrow, I am going to very carefully cut out each word and put it into a hat. During my lunch break, I am going to sprinkle the contents of my hat onto the floor. Then I will ask my Korean co-workers to read out the words as they have fallen on the floor, according to the laws of chance.

That way, they'll stand a better chance of understanding your English than I do.

Last edited by Homo Loquens; 01/16/06 12:58 PM.
#153889 01/16/06 02:14 PM
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Your cruelty is as appalling as your stupidity. Why don't you stop being such an asshole?

In fact, why don't you stop being here?

#153890 01/16/06 04:52 PM
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As a native English speaker, I was mystified by the question as well. I actually happen to have an Rx bottle right here. It says:
"IMPORTANT: Finish All Of This Medication Unless Otherwise Directed By Prescriber."

I can remember in high school taking a "standardized" test that had several questions which involved interpreting a train schedule. We lived over 500 miles from the nearest train station and no one in the entire school had ever seen one before. 25 years later and I still haven't had to read a train schedule!

#153891 01/16/06 05:07 PM
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I am not surprised that you have trouble with this question. (and please ignore the rudeness above, I wonder how he would sound in your language!)
Most English speakers are familiar with a.m. - morning (anti-meridion or before noon) and p.m. - afternoon (post or after meridion)
Few would know a.p. (as prescribed) unless their doctor or pharmacist explained it.
I had to ask the pharmacist, whose office is beside my desk, what a.u. meant. She said that it meant in each ear, but needed to look it up to check.
Very difficult homework indeed.
edit: that can't be right. I reread your post and it can't mean take a pill in each ear so our pharmacist wouldn't answer your question correctly either.

Last edited by Zed; 01/16/06 05:10 PM.
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No, she's correct, but the question may not be well-formed.

"a.m." and "p.m." as instructions would have a "q" in front of them. They all stand for Latin words, not English ones. The "q" is for "quod" and "q. a.m." literally means "quod ante meridian," that is, "each morning." "Q pm" similarly means each afternoon.

In the abbreviation '"a.u." the "a" is for Latin "auris" = English "ear." AD is aurum dexter = right ear; AS is aurum sinister = left ear; AU is both ears. (I'm sorry but I don't know what the U expands to in Latin.) Similar considerations apply to OD, OS, and OU where O = oculus = eye.

Incidentally it is now considered that those six abbreviations should be avoided because they are open to misinterpretation. Doctors' are notorious for having bad handwriting, and every so often an "o.d." is misread as a "q.d." ("quod die" = once daily); and worse, the period is read as an "i" and the abbreviation is misread as "qid" = "quart. in die" = "four times a day," and the patient gets a large overdose by the wrong route. It doesn't happen often, but a small percent of millions and millions of prescriptions is a significant number, even if it's a very small rate.

"A.P." is an abbreviation I was never taught and never heard of; "as prescribed" is as good a meaning as any, but it's not universal. When I can't be specific about what the dose will be because it changes frequently, or the instructions would be too long to fit on a label, what I've written is "U D," for 'ut dict.", meaning "as directed."

I'll remember A.P. If the pharmacist doesn't know it he/she'll call and ask what I meant.

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Anyway Kim, the answer is C, ante prandium : Before meals.

#153894 01/17/06 02:21 AM
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I am not surprised that you have trouble with this question. (and please ignore the rudeness above, I wonder how he would sound in your language!)
Most English speakers are familiar with a.m. - morning (anti-meridion or before noon) and p.m. - afternoon (post or after meridion)
Few would know a.p. (as prescribed) unless their doctor or pharmacist explained it.
I had to ask the pharmacist, whose office is beside my desk, what a.u. meant. She said that it meant in each ear, but needed to look it up to check.
Very difficult homework indeed.
edit: that can't be right. I reread your post and it can't mean take a pill in each ear so our pharmacist wouldn't answer your question correctly either.

It's meridiem, not "meridion".

#153895 01/17/06 02:30 AM
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Mr Kim. I live in Tianjin. I work on a production line with 3 Koreans. We spend over 10 hours a day together, communicating mostly in English, because my Korean is very poor. Now and then, they teach me a few expressions in Hangul, and I try to help them to improve their English, as best I can, because it is our only means of communicating with our employers.

I'll tell you what I am going to do. I am going to print off your post. Then tomorrow, I am going to very carefully cut out each word and put it into a hat. During my lunch break, I am going to sprinkle the contents of my hat onto the floor. Then I will ask my Korean co-workers to read out the words as they have fallen on the floor, according to the laws of chance.

That way, they'll stand a better chance of understanding your English than I do.

do you think mouth is the only mouth here? why are you like that? the joke is too harsh to consider your surroundings you fool.... don't go too far because he does something in people's back... why don't you act like you know me and don't act like you are rich. Our friendship is falling apart as time passes. Hey, your face looks like sissy boy. now i am I am ticklish. Ah, nobody can stop you. You are not worth feeding.

i use my English expression book to tell you say in the english now "The bone marrow is bristling with the dew of rancour"

#153896 01/17/06 10:17 AM
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Stick around! Those of us with a spark of humanity within us don't care about how good or bad your English is. What we do care about is meeting more people, making new friends, and most importantly learning from them and helping them to grow.

"The bone marrow is bristling with the dew of rancour"

I got this immediately, though it was not familiar to me in that form. We would say: Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone."

#153897 01/17/06 12:00 PM
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...........or i like English idiom to say "even a passing dog can even laugh!"

ha ha ^ ^;;;;; he is a horseplay boy! or "The chicken has shattered eyes!"

but past is past... i amm going to turn my back on now!

because do you want something?

so thank you ted. he is wrong from the beginning.

we are said to have a relationship!

You are my food!

If it nice, then it's nice!!!! ^ ^

frankly speaking ~ I like feel to a million! and I was always born for this time! ~

#153898 01/17/06 12:02 PM
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"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"

Where are the manners we have lost?

#153899 01/17/06 01:48 PM
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TEd's right, Kim - stick around, ignore HL. However little you know about English, your English is way better than my Korean!

Welcome to the board.

#153900 01/17/06 02:28 PM
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TEd's right, Kim - stick around, ignore HL. However little you know about English, your English is way better than my Korean!

Welcome to the board.

~ so thank you!

do you know what something?

what kind of person is there?!

here people always choose that type of so so kind words! ^ ^;;;;;;

Don't play at being too bashful!

I feel very close to my friend.

learn expresion: "How do I control myself if I miss you?"

so so thank you... Today, it's on me! ^ ^

bravo your life!

have a good time!

sweat dreams!!!!! ~ ^ ^

look at men watch star rise..... (me and you)


#153901 01/17/06 02:57 PM
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....and so so thank you say to my english... but don't you try to lie... ^ ^

you are flatter... is fawn over because i know that the English is very very poorly!

please be patient with me!

i want to it to you that thank you all for your endorsement.

So, so thank you... I am touched.

So, so truly touched.

But what is that feeling -- perhaps now -- that has begun to attend these words?

It is a creeping feeling of disquiet caused by the observable effects of a hidden cause.

An unidentifiable change begins to take place.

Suddenly, what was once unimportant, harmless, and meaningless seems pregnant with implication, threat, and meaning.

A group of familiar objects left casually on a table becomes an insoluble rebus.

A view you have looked at everyday without interest will suddenly hold out an indivious significance, just beyond your reach.

And always just beyond your reach, for when the true cause of an event stands outside the ambit of its perceivable effects, the a pripori deduction of particular effects from a general cause has no possible beginning, and the a posteriori induction of a general cause from particular effects no possible end.

U. Kinbote.

#153902 01/17/06 07:42 PM
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Well, I guess you've shown us all that a suspect chain-jerker will get the benefit of the doubt among the good natured. Don't forget to clean your dress before you hang it the closet. See you around, sweetie. xxoo

#153903 01/17/06 10:08 PM
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Sheesh. No wonder there are so many places on the internet where new people are not welcomed. Talk about no good deed going unpunished...

#153904 01/17/06 10:55 PM
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I was just thinking to myself, "Wouldn't it be ironic if HL and iamkim and U. Kimbote were all the same person."

but then I said to myself, "joe, you better not post that or people will think you are truly cynical."

-joe (cynical is as cynical does) friday

#153905 01/17/06 11:01 PM
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I was just thinking to myself, "Wouldn't it be ironic if HL and iamkim and U. Kimbote were all the same person."

Heh® You cross-cyber mantled me (though I'd never use the term "ironic": by birthright I don't know what it means).

#153906 01/18/06 12:40 AM
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I'd never use the term "ironic": by birthright I don't know what it means). Snort!

#153907 01/18/06 11:49 AM
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Just a little cyber-happening; sock-puppet theatre; Porlockian dilatoriness.

I'm going to miss Kim Joo Chang.

#153908 01/18/06 12:33 PM
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Why don't you try staying away for a century or two to give us a chance to miss you?

#153909 01/18/06 12:40 PM
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Well, I can understand your disappointment. After all, you and Kim Joo Chang were said to have a relationship.

#153910 01/18/06 12:52 PM
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....and so so thank you say to my english... but don't you try to lie... ^ ^

you are flatter... is fawn over because i know that the English is very very poorly!

please be patient with me!

i want to it to you that thank you all for your endorsement.

So, so thank you... I am touched.

So, so truly touched.

But what is that feeling -- perhaps now -- that has begun to attend these words?

It is a creeping feeling of disquiet caused by the observable effects of a hidden cause.

An unidentifiable change begins to take place.

Suddenly, what was once unimportant, harmless, and meaningless seems pregnant with implication, threat, and meaning.

A group of familiar objects left casually on a table becomes an insoluble rebus.

A view you have looked at everyday without interest will suddenly hold out an indivious significance, just beyond your reach.

And always just beyond your reach, for when the true cause of an event stands outside the ambit of its perceivable effects, the a pripori deduction of particular effects from a general cause has no possible beginning, and the a posteriori induction of a general cause from particular effects no possible end.

U. Kinbote.

But you must admit, a gorgeous segue whoever wrote it.

#153911 01/18/06 12:56 PM
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Everything from an arsehole is crap.
Everything from a pretentious arsehole is pretentious crap.

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Everything from an arsehole is crap.
Everything from a pretentious arsehole is pretentious crap.

You are a sententious bore.

(Aside): Probably chagrined Kim's last words were over his little head.

#153913 01/18/06 01:12 PM
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"The bone marrow is bristling with the dew of rancour"

I got this immediately, though it was not familiar to me in that form. We would say: Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone."

He means nemo me impune lacessit.

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OK, just a formal note to indicate that (against my general preference) I shall henceforth switch off every voice and sock-puppet of this arsehole. I would prefer it if the board just ejected complete jerks like this.

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That's okay. I'm ditching this one. I just realised it is an anagram for Adolf Hitler.

Well, almost (Ill Hatred Of).

Last edited by Ill_Hated_Of; 01/18/06 01:21 PM.
#153916 01/18/06 01:46 PM
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Becoming proficient at public self-loathing is a suitable skill to cultivate. There are probably many other similarities.

#153917 01/18/06 02:48 PM
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I don't get it.

#153918 01/18/06 03:01 PM
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We can pretty much all agree with that. You just don't get it.

#153919 01/18/06 03:09 PM
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Mark Twain wrote a funny letter about hearing only one side of a phone conversation.

#153920 01/18/06 03:13 PM
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This is the price of having a net. Really cool people can communicate ad libendum. In exchange, one merely has to parse an endless stream of distilled stupidity to find the S in the N.

#153921 01/19/06 12:17 AM
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Here is the Mark Twain piece to which inselpeter refers:

The Mark Twain piece

#153922 01/19/06 12:20 AM
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That would be it, Padre.

#153923 01/19/06 03:51 AM
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Becoming proficient at public self-loathing is a suitable skill to cultivate. There are probably many other similarities.


I don't get it.


We can pretty much all agree with that

No. I mean this is a non sequitur. The first sentence does not introduce a similarity to which the second sentence refers. But I expressed my incredulity lightly ("I don't get it") because I assumed the author of this abortive post was either in his dotage or a moron, and took pity.

Now look what you've made me do.

Last edited by Homo Loquens; 01/19/06 03:55 AM.
#153924 01/20/06 04:11 PM
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Anyway, to end on a positive note, I don't care what anyone says: This is the funniest thread I've seen since I've been here.


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