A Doctor friend relayed this story recently:

“All males are "papuliferous" what they are NOT is
"mammiferous". Is it a bit inaccurate to call an
effeminate or pectorally obese male "papulogenic"
when the read point is that he's got pseudo-breasts,
aka 'mammilogenic'. Long ago I had some patients
on Mellaril who had a few drops of "milk" from their
nipples, visible when they had to undress in shower
room. They were rather upset! Which reminded me of
definition of 'surplus' - the part of a mammiferous
protruberance you can't get into your mouth. It has
long amused me that guys who rave about big breasts
do so only because they accompany something
precious that must not be mentioned.

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I’m sure he was referring to the woman attached...