trepanation - act of making a real hole in the head

trephine - the instrument used to make the hole

either of two horizontal fore-and-aft beams, one on each side of a mast, that support the crosstrees, top, and fid of the mast above
Unless your nautical vocabulary is greater than mine, you might wish to see definition of “fid”:
5Early ModE naut. term < ?6
1 a round, pointed wooden tool for separating the strands of a rope in splicing
2 a square wooden or metal bar for supporting a topmast

triadism - good things come in threes. No so tribadism..Two’s company, three’s a crowd.

trial, triangular. triassic – one of the eras in paleontology

tribology - not sapphism, but engineering = study of wear, lubrication, etc in moving parts

pl. 3ceps#es or 3ceps# 5ModL < L, triple-headed < tri3, TRI3 + caput, a HEAD6 a muscle having three heads, or points of origin; esp., the large muscle at the back of the upper arm that extends the forearm when contracted

trichotillotomania - obsessive plucking of own hair

trichotomized = All Gaul is trichotomized……
trichotomous -

Tricouni - a mountain peak in British Columbia

tridental - having three teeth

triennial - happening every three years

triforium !m8
pl. 3ri[a 73!8 5ML < L tri3, TRI3 + foris, DOOR6 a gallery or arcade in the wall above the arches of the nave, choir, or transept of a church

5TRI3 + GLYCERIDE6 any of a group of esters, CH2 (OOCR1)CH(OOCR2)CH2 (OOCR3), derived from glycerol and three fatty acid radicals: the chief component of fats and oils

trilemma - when you master the art of solving dilemmas, try a bull with three horns

trillionth = too small to be bothered with

trilocular - when you perfect the art of being two places at once, graduate to bei;ng three places at once

trimester - three months. Three of these can bring you a bundle of joy

trinitrotoluene - TNT - when you really want to go boom

trinked - “.. Si trinked, sie trinked de ganzi Taag, si trinked, sie trinked de ganzi Taag. ... Si ässed, sie ässed de ganzi Taag, si ässed, sie ässed de ganzi Taag. ...


trinklied - what you sing when you trink, trink, trink


5< L triplus, TRIPLE + 3OID6 Biol. having three times the haploid number of chromosomes
a triploid cell or organism
trip4loi#dy 73l.#dc8
tripodal - me trying to dance – all left

5Gr trochos, a wheel (see TROCHE) + 3PHORE6 a free-swimming ciliate larva of several invertebrate groups, including many marine annelid worms, mollusks, brachiopods, and nemerteans

5ModL < Gr trbgbn, gnawing, prp. of trbgein, to gnaw: see prec.6 any of an order (Trogoniformes) of bright-colored, fruit-eating tropical birds

trophobiosis - a relation in which an organism of one kind aids and protects an organism of another kind,
in return for some food product.

trophogenic - promoting growth

5< fol.6 the positive, or negative, attraction of a plant or sessile animal toward, or away from, a stimulus, as in the turning of a sunflower toward the light
5Fr troposph\re < Gr tropos, a turning (see TROPE) + Fr sph\re (see SPHERE)6 the atmospheric zone or shell below the tropopause, characterized by water vapor, vertical winds, weather, and decreasing temperatures with increasing altitude
tro#po[spher$ic 73sfer4ik, 3sfir$38
5ME trouthe (see TRUTH), with specialized form & meaning6 [Archaic]
1 faithfulness; loyalty
2 truth: chiefly in phrase in troth, truly; indeed
3 one‘s pledged word; promise: see also PLIGHT ONE‘S TROTH (at PLIGHT2)
[Archaic] to pledge to marry
A quality in sadly short supply

trouble - a quality all too prevalent

troublously, troughing, troupe, trout. trudged