This thread is DOA, but I had to post this from Mrs. Byrne for all you word hounds. Use it with care, if you dare:

cornobbled adj. -- hit with a fish

Now many questions come to mind: If cornobbled means to be hit with a fish, then I suppose you can cornobble someone, perhaps someone with a fish wife's mouth...or mebbe the fish wife herself goes around cornobbling people.

Or does this mean you're cornobbled by fish with aggressive attitudes?

And, finally, is there any other word in the English language that means to be hit by any other animal other than the fish? Well, there's gored, for sure. And butted. And pecked. But they're not exactly the same in that the whole of the fish is hitting you whereas with gored, butted, and pecked, it's just a part of the beast that's causing your pain.

Best regards,

Edit: Just in case an innocent bystander should happen upon this thread, the above definition of cornobbled is incorrect. The whole mix-up resulted from a definition's having been incorrectly entered on the Byrne site. tsuwm caught the error. Hip! Hip!