haruspication - In Rome, the function of the haruspex
pl. 3rus4pi[ces# 73p! scz#8 5L, lit., inspector of entrails < haru3 (see YARN) + 3spex (see AUSPEX)6 a soothsayer in ancient Rome who professed to foretell events by examining the entrails of sacrificial animals

5L hastatus < hasta, a spear < IE base *bhasto3 a rod, shaft > YARD16 having a triangular shape like a spearhead, as some leaves

5ME haucer < Anglo-Fr hauceour < OFr haucier < VL *altiare < L altus, high: see ALTITUDE6 a large rope used for towing or mooring a ship

haylage - a word coined for grass not dried into hay, but harvested green and stored without drying, with addtion of agents to prevent spoilage. The idea was to save nutrients lost in letting hay mature and dry.
It was stored in silos I have no idea how widely used it now is.

a serious failure of the body‘s heat-regulation mechanisms resulting from excessive exposure to intense heat and characterized by high fever, dry skin, collapse, and sometimes convulsions or coma: cf. HEAT EXHAUSTION, SUNSTROKE

heck[le 7hek4!l8
3led, 3ling 5ME hekelin < hechele: see HACKLE16
2 5orig. Scot6 to annoy or harass (a speaker) by interrupting with questions or taunts

hack[le1 7hak4!l8
5ME hechele (akin to Ger hechel) < OE *h+cel < IE base *keg3, a peg, hook > HACK1, HOOK: senses 2, 3, & 4, prob. infl. by dial. hackle, bird‘s plumage, animal‘s skin < OE hacele6
1 a comblike instrument for separating the fibers of flax, hemp, etc.
2 a) any of the long, slender feathers at the neck of a rooster, peacock, pigeon, etc. b) such feathers, collectively
3 Fishing a) a tuft of feathers from a rooster‘s neck, used in making artificial flies b) a fly made with a hackle
4 [pl.] the hairs on a dog‘s neck and back that bristle, as when the dog is ready to fight
3led, 3ling
1 to separate the fibers of (flax, hemp, etc.) with a hackle
2 [Rare] to supply (a fishing fly) with a hackle
get one‘s hackles up to become tense with anger; bristle

hackle 2
vt., vi.
3led, 3ling 5freq. of HACK16 to cut roughly; hack; mangle
It is interesting to note that tease and heckle, both used to mean annoy another person, came from preparation of fibers for cloth or fabric

5after fol.: in early pop. drama he was portrayed as a bully6 a swaggering fellow; bully
vt., vi.
to browbeat; bully

he[don[ic 7hc d9n4ik8
5Gr hcdonikos < hcdonc, pleasure < base of hcdys, SWEET6
1 having to do with pleasure
2 [Rare] of hedonism or hedonists; hedonistic

he[li[a[cal 7hi lj4! k!l8
5LL Heliacus, relating to the sun < Gr hcliakos < hclios, HELIOS + 3AL6 of or near the sun; solar; specif., designating the apparent rising, or setting, of a star or planet just after, or before, conjunction with the sun
heliodor - a gemstone in the beryl group

heliosis - illness resulting from excessive exposure to the sun

5Gr Hellcnikos < Hellcnes, the Greeks6
1 of the Hellenes; Greek
2 of the history, language, or culture of the ancient Greeks; specif., from the late 8th century B.C. to the death of Alexander the Great (323 B.C.)
1 the language of ancient Greece
2 old term for GREEK (n. 2)

5Gr helmins (gen. helminthos), akin to eilein, to turn: for IE base see HELIX6 any worm or wormlike animal; esp., a worm parasite of the intestine, as the tapeworm, hookworm, or roundworm

helobious - dwelling in marshes

Hemera is the Greek goddess of day. She was born from Erebus, darkness, and Nyx , night. Nyx was the daughter of Chaos, and sister of Erebus. Erebus was among the first beings, dwelling in Hades. He sprang from Chaos at the beginning of time. Erebus' name was given to the gloomy underground cavern which the dead walk through on their way to the Underworld. Hemera emerged from Tartarus as Nyx left it and returned to as she was emerging from it. Thalassa, the sea, is the daughter of Hemera and her brother Aether, light.

She gives her name as root of several words. In paleology, - a stratigraphic zone comprising the time range of a particular fossil species.

ephemeral , c38
5< Gr ephcmeros (see EPHEMERON) + 3AL6
1 lasting only one day
2 short-lived; transitory !ephemeral glory"
an ephemeral thing; specif., an organism with a brief life cycle

pl. eph[e[mer[i[des 7ef#! mer4! dcz#8 5L < Gr ephcmeris, diary, calendar < ephcmeros: see fol.6
1 a table giving the computed positions of a celestial body for every day of a given period
2 an astronomical almanac containing such tables
3 [Obs.] a calendar or diary