Still need help?

Only for interest's sake, at this point - had to send the piece in, so left out all reference to age/continuity of boat show....But I'm sure there's a word.

I was reluctant to put "oldest annual" simply because I'm not entirely sure, from the website, that the event has always been annual (ie, I wondered if it happened more than once a year at any point in its history, or if it happened alternate years, that kind o' thang).

Somehow I thought there was another "c" word, but when I looked up "contiguous" I discovered that means more like what Alaska and Hawaii are....hi wow, hi JohnHawaii!

Know how you get a feeling for a word in your head, but the word itself refuses to take shape and make sense of itself for you?

Or am I just whistling Dixie? [whistling-e]