Holy cow, I hardly know where to start! This reminds me of our discussion on stoops.

2 or 3 story motels
Ok, thanks, Helen, now I know what you mean. I've always just called it the walkway, when I've called them anything, though when the hotel room doesn't have an actual, private balcony on the other side I've called it a balcony, too. Hmm--I guess when I'm standing or sitting on it, it's a balcony, but if I'm giving directions, I'll say, "Go down the walkway...".

maahey, I don't think they could be called verandahs: verandahs by definition are porches, and porches by definition (mine) have to be built on the ground. I've only ever been one place where there is what I would call a terrace (for lack of anything better, mainly); it is an elevated patio overlooking the lake. Dang--what makes a terrace a terrace, anyway? If it had been made of wood and not cement, I'd have called it a deck, no doubt.