Buon giorno Emanuela! Come sta? It is remnants of my former New York life, where my first job was pizza delivery in Italian pizzeria and where I was called Vittorio. I learned to make pizza, but I modified it - I make plane dough, not sourdough, from wheat or rye flour (like it dark)and put celery slices along with other ingredients (red and green pepper, tomatoes, onion, black olives, mushrooms) on it. When it's ready I put fresh slices of garlic on it.
Now about my nickname. It can be viewed by most americans as "immigrant + US" and to me it sounds like Latin. That's why I like it, due to the fact that I'm immigrant in US and dottore by education. Too bad that they didn't teach us enough Latin (to be able to speak, read and write freely) in medical institute...
Arrivederci, Viktor.

Viktor V. Trukov

Viktor V. Trukov