I do seem to meet a disproportionately high number of young New Zealanders travelling in the UK, especially in Edinburgh. Talking to them, it seems that a long European tour is something that they plan for and look forward to as an important part of growing up in the same way that the "Grand Tour" was undertaken by young men of privilege in earlier times.

I see some but not nearly as many young people from the USA doing the same thing. They tend to be in student groups, rather than travelling as individuals (and it is still, Monday in Paris, Tuesday in Rome). I wonder if this is because they have more of North America to discover without needing to venture further. Maybe it is because college fees are more expensive so they may need to work in their holidays to keep themselves afloat. Once people are working, I hear that two weeks holiday (sorry, vacation) a year is the norm, so most people don't get the time or the money to travel until they are older.