RE: they didn't learn the traditional schoolyard games from the older kids.

Yes, the same is true here in US... My Sister, who lives in Japan just started there as a member of the cultural exchange program, and plans lessons for primary students about how school in Japan is different than in US, and/or other countries. (it is a school based program, she works two days a week)

For instance, all Japanese school children learn to ride a unicycle as part of their Phys Ed program.

She contacted me, to get some school yard games, (jacks, tiddly winks, pick up sticks)to share--but these are hard to get, since kids no longer play them. We played skully, too,(there is a thread some where back almost years ago about skully, and other kids games)and ring-a-levio, but my kids didn't play these games. and most kids today don't even play jump rope, or clapping games,(or even counting out games for who will be it, in Tag) and don't know the songs and words to them.

I remember reading once that the eeny, meeny, miney, moe, of the old count out song, is based on old counting chants use by shepherds, and is related to the old welsh words for 1, 2, 3. it had other "verses", similar to One,two, buckle my shoe, and was used in oral based society to teach counting.

eeny, meeny, miney, moe,
Catch a (******) by your toe (we used tiger, for ****, but other animals and even ethnic groups have been used)
If he cries out let him go,
eeny, meeny, miney, moe,
You are it!