It's too obviously related to games like shinty to be a Canuck "invention."

'Scuse me, hoser, but just because it's "related" to other games, doesn't make it a different game in its own right - and therefore invented by Canadians. The Scots had ice, didn't they? Did they use it to play ice hockey? Noooo.

Same with netball and basketball. They're different games. Anyone who plays either would tell you so.

Same with rounders and baseball or cricket and baseball. You can point to similarities between many games if you try hard enough.

Canucks invented what we call hockey, which some other parts of the world know as "ice hockey." Chew on that.

What IS a bone of contention, is WHICH Canucks invented it. Disputatious parties from the Maritimes and Ontario are still duking it out over that one.

And sjm, if you expect to be understood, speak some universal language, why doncha. "Bully" to a non-sporting type such as meself just means bully.