Wofa, I think you're about the only person I'd let call me Toots and not mind it... :-) I am relieved that ONE person has heard of this game. You inspired me to Google again; I'd tried when I was making the post, but googling under Games came up a blank. I just tried the non-specific way, and oh my gosh--paydirt! One place sells crokinole boards for anywhere from $90 to $700 (making me want to call Ben and see if he still has it!) This place said it was Developed in Canada during the mid-1860s .
http://www.frontiernet.net/~crokinol/faq.htm says it isn't known just when or where it was invented, but said there is a strong association with Mennonites. (!) Here's something that might interest you German-speakers: The Mennonites have their own cultural name for the game, Knipsbrett (the "K" is pronounced), believed to be a Low German word meaning "snap-board," but unknown in contemporary German.