Dear Jackie I remember a square game board about the size of a card table, with pockets in
each corner, and markings for several games, on both sides of the board. The carom game had
wooden rings big enough to fit over a finger, and carom meant to strike another piece and bounce
off in an advantageous manner, but I cannot remember the rules or scoring.
It also had tddly-winks, things like poker chips that were made to jump by pressing edge of one
lying on the table with another. I can't rember any rules or scoring for that one either. We also
had a double set of Mah-jongg, with hundreds of little bone sticks with dots indicating value. We used
the pieces of bamboo faced with bone with figures carved in them by standing long rows of them on the
carpet (better than dominoes). There was no TV or radio in those days. Parents played bridge, and
poker. How things have changed.