Dear Dr. Bill,

I am a lapsed vegetarian who, for years, did quite well not eating meat, thank you. And soy protein (which includes tofu) is a richer, healthier source of quality protein than meat, and when you realize it takes 16-20 lbs. soy to feed cattle and create one pound of beef, you can see the benefits to world hunger of eating the soy instead of meat. Combining proteins such as legumes and whole grain bread provides a rich protein source. And nuts of all kinds are excellent sources of protein, as well. Most folks I know, including me, who became vegetarians did so out of a healthwise perspective, and (speaking as a fisherman, myself) it had nothing to do with preserving other life (although I do believe there is a harmony of spirit within all living things). Red meat is just not healthy for's as simple as that...I'd challenge anybody to stop eating red meat for a couple of weeks and see if they don't feel better. The fat's affects on the heart and as a carcinogen are well known, and the super-dose of protein, especially on a constant basis, is actually enervating and very taxing on the system. An extremely higher rate of colon cancer has been scientifically evidenced in societies which rely heavily on a red meat diet (and thatincludes pork, the worst, not the other "white" meat...and, as everybody should know, eating bacon with all that fat and salt is like putting a bullet in your heart).
I never felt better in my life than the years I was practicing a natural lifestyle including a vegetarian diet (though I never eliminated dairy, eggs for my wholewheat pancakes and French toast were a must...but I used soy margarine and soy milk, and honey or pure maple syrup since I had also cut out refined sugar for the same health reasons). I just got lazy and first went back to fish (because I caught it and lived by the sea, made sense macrobiotically, and I just love fish and seafood too much to give it up). And then I got back to chicken and turkey. I still avoid red meat...and if I do eat it, once in a while, when someone offers an ethnic dish for the holidays, for instance (like my Mother's stuffed-cabbage) I feel crummy for a couple of days because my system isn't used to it anymore. Now don't get me wrong...when I was growing up I loved a nice sirloin steak (medium rare) and roast pork loin. But I don't miss it, those look like cardboard to me now. So I stopped eating meat for the same common-sense health reason I started eating wholewheat flour instead of refined white's just better for you. And nothing refined is any good for you, BTW...white flour, refined sugar, etc. So, my good Doctor, I have to say that your rantings here, from all my personal experience, are a bunch of unmitigated BS. Especially that stuff about vegetarians having deformed babies...I've known scores of vegetarian families, and healthier, happier children I've never seen.