Had 20 inches by 5:30 pm. We're under a State of Emergency statewide, and in Cape May, Atlantic, and Cumberland Counties vehicles are now banned from the roads except for snow clearing equipment and emergency vehicles, and Lower Townshio, which encompasses the extreme southern portion of Cape May County, has has declared a mandatory curfew from 7 pm to 7am. Now the northeast winds have kicked up (45-50 mph, gusts up to 70) and they're projecting an 8.5 to 9 ft. tide tomorrow, which could be serious. National Guard is on standby and the NJ State Police have been authorized by the Governor to close major highways if need be.

Philadelphia area had its pojected total upped to 20-30 inches.

The thrill is gone...you couldn't even walk out there now if you wanted to

Boby, hear you're really getting socked in Maryland, too...you hanging in there okay?