Gryposis is a medical word meaning an abnormal curvature.
Curvature of the penis is called chordee. It is caused by a tight band of tissue
associated with the frenulum, the lower midline attachment of the foresking to glans of penis.
It may require pediatric urologic consult and surgery.
Associated with chordee, or without, may be hypospadias, and abnormal location of the
exterior opening of the utethra. It also may require pediatric urologic consultation.
Some poor little boys have mothers too finicky to pay attention to the foreskin, to be sure
it get stretched enough to retract and expose the glans, and the easily returns to cover
the glans. King Louis XVI had phimosis of foreskin, meaning it could not be retractracted.
When he got married, he was at first unable to have sexual intercourse, which caused severe
pain. Finally it had to be operated on, and considering ignorance of sterile technique, he was
lucky to have favorable result. Interesting to speculate effect this problem may have had on his
relatively poor adjustment as an adult.
One reason again for attention to boys' foreskin is that if not stretched early, it can be so tight
that when forcibly retracted, it can shut off venous return, but not arterial inflow long enough
for extremely painful swelling of end of penis, and a genuine emergency. Called paraphimosis.
However, it is a goddam stupid idea to circumcise males just because mother is too finicky to
take care of a structure valuable for its protection of the glans penis. I have seen kids die from
an un-necessary circumcision. Rare, but it can happen. Actually it was from nosocomial
Iacquired in hospital) infection. End of rant.