Forficiform - shaped like a pair of scissors.
(||For"fex) n. [L.] A pair of shears. Pope.
147 The peer now spreads the glitt'ring forfex wide,
148 T' inclose the lock; now joins it, to divide.
149 Ev'n then, before the fatal engine clos'd,
150 A wretched Sylph too fondly interpos'd;
151 Fate urg'd the shears, and cut the Sylph in twain,

(For"fi*cate) a. [L. forfex, forficis, shears.] (Zoöl.) Deeply forked, as the tail of certain birds.

(||For*fic"u*la) n. [L., small shears, scissors, dim. of forfex shears.] (Zoöl.) A genus of insects including the earwigs. See
Earwig, 1.