JohnHawaii has reminded me of a related question I have for y'all: If you're talking about a movie with someone, would you talk about the characters and use their names, or would you talk about the actors who portrayed them?

Eg, if you were discussing American Beauty, would you say, "I thought Kevin Spacey was going to shag the teenager," or would you say, "I thought Lester was going to shag the teenager"?


If you were discussing Eveleyn, would you say, "I wasn't sure if Pierce Brosnan was going to get his kids back or not," or would you say, "I wasn't sure if Doyle was going to get his kids back or not"?

Or if you can't remember the name of the character, but you (as I do) at least differentiate between actor and role, would you instead say something like, "I thought Kevin Spacey's character was going to shag the teenager," or "I didn't know if Pierce Brosnan's character was going to get his kids back or not"?