Three undergraduate students from the University of
Arkansas made a world-class discovery this week when they uncovered a
325-million-year-old nautiloid fossil just yards from two of Fayetteville's busiest
roads. At exactly eight feet in length, their find represents the longest
actinoceratoid nautiloid fossil in the world.

The specimen uncovered by Kee, Morgan and Gillip represents what Manger calls
a pathological giant. Its discovery lends credence to a theory that Manger first
proposed to the scientific community in 1999 -- that these nautiloids exhibited
semalparous reproductive behavior. Like modern-day squid, these creatures
would have mated and laid eggs within three to four years and then died.

To read whole article:

iterparous species - mate many times, repeated reproduction

semelparous species - mate once/lifetime, big bang reproduction